It’s peak season for burrs here. We get them all year, and many different sorts, but Midwinter seems to be the time. They are just everywhere; on the dog, on shirts and pants, but specially on socks and bootlaces. Here’s a photo of my socks after a bit of digging this morning
Cobblers pegs come up everywhere here. The local name is ‘farmers friends’ and the Latin name is Bidens pills. It’s not a particularly troublesome weed, being easy to pull, but it’s easy to see how it spreads to every part of the property that we walk on. The thin black seeds have a crown of hooks at the end that catch on anything passing by. Apparently it’s good eating too, so if we ever need to scrounge we will have an abundance of greens.
I don’t know the name of the second burr, but it’s an unassuming legume creeper. It has small bean pods at ankle height with an effective velcro-like covering, and they just adhere whole to any fabric (and the dog) as you brush past.
Both these are just a nuisance as they hang onto clothes through the wash, and make for scratchy wearing. Does anyone have hints on how to get them off?